Tag Archives: discovery call

Unleashing Small Business Success: The Power of SMART Goals Every Month

Setting SMART goals each month is a crucial step towards the success of your small business.

By making time at the start of each month to plan and prioritize your business activities you can ensure that you stay focused and on track towards achieving your desired outcomes.

In this blog, we’ll explore why setting SMART goals each month is vital for small business success and how it can revolutionize your entrepreneurial journey.

  1. Clarity and Focus:

Setting SMART goals provides you with clarity and direction. Specific goals allow you to define precisely what you want to achieve, whether it’s boosting sales, expanding your customer base, or launching a new product. With a clear target in mind, you can effectively plan and prioritize your actions.

  1. Measurable Progress:

The beauty of SMART goals lies in their measurability. By defining specific metrics and milestones, you can objectively track your progress. This then allows you to clearly assess what’s working and what needs improvement. Are you reaching your desired sales targets? Are you attracting more website visitors? Measuring your progress helps you stay on top of your game, make informed decisions, and adapt your strategies accordingly.

  1. Realistic Expectations:

Achievable goals are the secret to maintaining realistic expectations. Realistic goals give you a clear roadmap, instilling confidence and motivation. It’s crucial to set goals that are attainable with your available resources and capabilities. By setting achievable milestones, you can prevent feeling overwhelmed and burned out. Realistic goals ensure that you allocate your resources, whether it’s time, finances, or manpower, appropriately. 

  1. Aligning with Purpose:

SMART goals help you align your business aspirations with your values and purpose. When your goals resonate with your business vision, they become meaningful and inspiring. As you set relevant goals, you create a sense of purpose that propels you forward during challenging times. Connecting your daily actions with a bigger picture provides a powerful driving force behind your small business success. 

  1. Time-Bound Accountability:

Time is a precious resource, and SMART goals help you make the most of it. By setting time-bound goals, you infuse a sense of urgency and create a sense of purpose to prevent procrastination. They push you to take action and measure your progress regularly. Time-bound goals help you stay focused, making every moment count on your path to small business success.

Small business success is not a random stroke of luck; it’s a result of deliberate planning, focused execution, and strategic goal-setting. Taking the time to plan and clearly define SMART goals each month is just one tool that empowers small business owners to unlock their true potential. By incorporating clarity, measurability, realism, relevance, and accountability into your goal-setting process, you lay a solid foundation for achieving your dreams. 

If you would like help setting your SMART goals for the month, why not book a 60 minute goal setting session with me! Use this link to lean more and book a time that suits you: GOAL PLANNING

So, take the leap, set SMART goals, and watch your small business thrive in ways you never thought possible. The sky’s the limit!


Discovery Phone Call

Demystifying the Discovery Call

For small business owners, finding the right coach or mentor can make a significant difference in for your business and also your own professional growth and success. Whether you’re an aspiring entrepreneur or a seasoned business owner, seeking guidance from a coach can help you unlock your potential, refine your strategies, and achieve your goals.

Hi! I’m Emma Atkin, Business Coach and Founder of Fresh Business Solutions. I offer every potential client a free 45-minute discovery call as a crucial first step towards building a successful coaching relationship. In this blog post, I will explain the purpose of a discovery call and benefits it offers you.

A discovery call is the initial conversation between you, the prospective client and me, the coach and is designed to explore our compatibility, assess your needs, and determine whether our coaching partnership would be beneficial for you.

  1. Getting to Know Each Other

During this discovery call, you will have the opportunity to introduce yourself, talk about your business, and discuss your professional goals. I will also share my experience, expertise, and coaching approach, allowing you to gain insights into my coaching style and determine if it matches with your needs and goals.

  1. Clarifying Goals and Objectives

A discovery call is an ideal platform to discuss your goals, challenges, and expectations with your potential coach. Through open and honest communication, you can explain your vision for success and seek your coach’s guidance on how they can help you achieve those goals. Through open and honest communication, you can ensure that you’re both on the same page and working towards a common purpose.

  1. Assessing Compatibility and Fit

Every coaching relationship should be built on trust, compatibility, and mutual respect. A discovery call provides an opportunity for both the prospective client and coach to assess whether they are a good fit for each other. During our discovery call I will ask you about your preferred coaching methods, communication style, and willingness to commit to the coaching process. Similarly, you can ask questions to understand how I work, and the results I have achieved with previous clients. This assessment ensures that the coaching partnership will be productive and conducive to your growth.

  1. Exploring Coaching Programs and Services

Discovery calls also serve as a platform to explore the various coaching programs and services offered by a potential coach. Each coaching journey is unique, and during the call, you can discuss the different options available to find the one that aligns best with your needs. I will suggest programs that I think align with your business goals and explain the structure, duration, and content of those programs. This gives you a clear understanding of what to expect and how it can support your professional development.

This initial discovery call sets you up for coaching success by allowing you to establish a connection, clarify your goals and assess our compatibility.

So what have you got to lose? Let’s book a time to chat and take that first step towards growing your business and yourself as a successful business owner and entrepreneur!

Until then, Keep smiling!