Category Archives: Small business help

Small Business Swot Analysis

Unleash Your Small Business Potential: The Power of SWOT Analysis

What is a SWOT Analysis and Why do I need one?

When writing your business plan, an important part of the plan will be your competitor analysis. This is the opportunity to as who else is out there, and how does your business stack up against them? Why should customers or clients, come to you? How much should I be charging? A SWOT analysis is a simple too, but an essential part of your business plan, that will help you answer these questions.

SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.

Going through the SWOT process, can help provide you with direction for your business and help show you the areas you need to concentrate on for your business growth.

Here’s how it works:

Strengths 🌟: These are the things that make your business shine. It could be your unique product, a dedicated team, excellent customer service, or a strong brand presence. It’s the skills and services you offer that no-one else does. Knowing your strengths is crucial because they are what set you apart from the competition.

Weaknesses 🤔: Every business has its Achilles’ heel. Whether it’s an outdated process, lack of marketing prowess, or a shortage of resources, it is really important to honestly identify your weaknesses as the first step towards turning them into strengths.

Opportunities 💡: In the world of business, change is constant. Opportunities are those open doors, waiting for you to step through. This could be a new market segment, a trending product, or a partnership that could take your business to the next level.

Threats 🚨: Forewarned is forearmed. Threats can come from various directions – economic downturns, emerging competitors, or shifting consumer preferences. Identifying these threats allows you to create strategies to minimise their impact or avoid them altogether.

So Why Do I Need a SWOT Analysis?

Ok, so now that you understand the basics of a SWOT analysis, let’s talk about why you should make it a regular part of your business strategy:

1. Strategic Clarity: A SWOT analysis offers a 360-degree view of your business. It helps you understand where you stand in the market and where you want to go.

2. Informed Decision-Making: When you’re faced with critical choices, having a SWOT analysis in your toolbox can make all the difference. It provides you with the data and insights you need to be able to make informed decisions specifically for your business.

3. Risk Mitigation: By identifying potential threats early on, you can develop contingency plans to minimize their impact and ensure that your business stays resilient in the face of challenges.

4. Growth Blueprint: For growth-focused entrepreneurs, the SWOT analysis is their roadmap to success. It highlights areas for improvement and guides you toward harnessing opportunities effectively.

How to Conduct a SWOT Analysis

  1. Gather Your Team: Don’t do this in isolation. Involve your key team members; their insights are invaluable.

  2. Brainstorm: Encourage open and honest discussions. Remember, this isn’t a time for sugar-coating weaknesses or ignoring threats.

  3. Prioritize: Not all strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats are created equal. Prioritize them based on their potential impact on your business.

  4. Action Plan: Use your SWOT analysis to create an action plan. Capitalize on strengths, address weaknesses, seize opportunities, and mitigate threats.

So, are you ready to embark on your SWOT analysis journey? 🚀 

In the ever-changing world of entrepreneurship, those who adapt and plan strategically come out on top. Let SWOT analysis be your compass as you navigate the exciting journey of small business ownership. 🌐📊✨ 

Remember always, Keep Smiling!


Five Top Tips for EOFY Business Success

The end of the financial year (EOFY) can often be quite a stressful time for small business owners. However, with good systems and strategies in place, EOFY becomes an opportunity to review your past successes and set the stage for greater achievements in the coming year. As a small business coach, I’m here to share five top tips that will position your business for strong growth and increased profit in the next financial year.

  1. Review Your Web Page: Take advantage of EOFY to freshen up your website content, update your homepage, and ensure flawless functionality across all devices. Fix any broken links, update testimonials, and reviews to instill trust in potential clients. A well-maintained web presence boosts your brand image and attracts new opportunities.
  2. Pay Your Debts: Regularly reviewing outstanding debts and overdue invoices is crucial part of being a successful small business owner, but the EOFY provides an opportunity to delve deeper. Review your loans and credit lines, ensuring your payments are up to date. Strategically plan your debt repayment, allocating an affordable monthly amount towards paying off those debts. Communicate with creditors if facing difficulties, as a genuine commitment to resolving the debt can lead to favorable arrangements.
  3. Review Your Business Plan: EOFY is a perfect time to evaluate your business plan as part of your EOFY routine. Acknowledge and celebrate your achievements, identify areas of excellence, and assess whether you’ve met the goals you set last year. This is a great opportunity to review what worked and what didn’t and then use these insights to set new objectives for the coming year. Review and update your SWOT and Competitor analyses, identifying new opportunities to leverage your business for success.
  4. Review Your Expenses: Uncover potential savings and growth opportunities by meticulously reviewing your expenses. Print out and analyse your last month’s bank statement, highlighting and reducing or even better eliminating any unnecessary costs. Your expenses directly impact your profit margins, so a comprehensive review will help maintain a healthy bottom line. Gaining valuable financial insights now will allow you to make informed strategic decisions in the new financial year.
  5. Consider Investing in a Business Coach: EOFY marks a perfect time to consider engaging a business coach for the upcoming year. A business coach provides fresh perspectives, expert guidance, and up-to-date knowledge on changes affecting small businesses. Leverage their experience and insights to fine-tune your strategies, set realistic targets, and enhance your skills. A business coach will support you in overcoming obstacles and ensuring a prosperous future.

Embrace EOFY as an opportunity for growth and success in your small business. By implementing these five top tips, you’ll position yourself for increased profitability, improved efficiency, and strategic decision-making. Take control of your business’s trajectory and partner with a business coach, like Fresh Business Solutions to make the next financial year your most successful yet. Remember, success begins with effective planning and a commitment to continuous improvement. 

Remember always, Keep Smiling!


Unleashing Small Business Success: The Power of SMART Goals Every Month

Setting SMART goals each month is a crucial step towards the success of your small business.

By making time at the start of each month to plan and prioritize your business activities you can ensure that you stay focused and on track towards achieving your desired outcomes.

In this blog, we’ll explore why setting SMART goals each month is vital for small business success and how it can revolutionize your entrepreneurial journey.

  1. Clarity and Focus:

Setting SMART goals provides you with clarity and direction. Specific goals allow you to define precisely what you want to achieve, whether it’s boosting sales, expanding your customer base, or launching a new product. With a clear target in mind, you can effectively plan and prioritize your actions.

  1. Measurable Progress:

The beauty of SMART goals lies in their measurability. By defining specific metrics and milestones, you can objectively track your progress. This then allows you to clearly assess what’s working and what needs improvement. Are you reaching your desired sales targets? Are you attracting more website visitors? Measuring your progress helps you stay on top of your game, make informed decisions, and adapt your strategies accordingly.

  1. Realistic Expectations:

Achievable goals are the secret to maintaining realistic expectations. Realistic goals give you a clear roadmap, instilling confidence and motivation. It’s crucial to set goals that are attainable with your available resources and capabilities. By setting achievable milestones, you can prevent feeling overwhelmed and burned out. Realistic goals ensure that you allocate your resources, whether it’s time, finances, or manpower, appropriately. 

  1. Aligning with Purpose:

SMART goals help you align your business aspirations with your values and purpose. When your goals resonate with your business vision, they become meaningful and inspiring. As you set relevant goals, you create a sense of purpose that propels you forward during challenging times. Connecting your daily actions with a bigger picture provides a powerful driving force behind your small business success. 

  1. Time-Bound Accountability:

Time is a precious resource, and SMART goals help you make the most of it. By setting time-bound goals, you infuse a sense of urgency and create a sense of purpose to prevent procrastination. They push you to take action and measure your progress regularly. Time-bound goals help you stay focused, making every moment count on your path to small business success.

Small business success is not a random stroke of luck; it’s a result of deliberate planning, focused execution, and strategic goal-setting. Taking the time to plan and clearly define SMART goals each month is just one tool that empowers small business owners to unlock their true potential. By incorporating clarity, measurability, realism, relevance, and accountability into your goal-setting process, you lay a solid foundation for achieving your dreams. 

If you would like help setting your SMART goals for the month, why not book a 60 minute goal setting session with me! Use this link to lean more and book a time that suits you: GOAL PLANNING

So, take the leap, set SMART goals, and watch your small business thrive in ways you never thought possible. The sky’s the limit!


Discovery Phone Call

Demystifying the Discovery Call

For small business owners, finding the right coach or mentor can make a significant difference in for your business and also your own professional growth and success. Whether you’re an aspiring entrepreneur or a seasoned business owner, seeking guidance from a coach can help you unlock your potential, refine your strategies, and achieve your goals.

Hi! I’m Emma Atkin, Business Coach and Founder of Fresh Business Solutions. I offer every potential client a free 45-minute discovery call as a crucial first step towards building a successful coaching relationship. In this blog post, I will explain the purpose of a discovery call and benefits it offers you.

A discovery call is the initial conversation between you, the prospective client and me, the coach and is designed to explore our compatibility, assess your needs, and determine whether our coaching partnership would be beneficial for you.

  1. Getting to Know Each Other

During this discovery call, you will have the opportunity to introduce yourself, talk about your business, and discuss your professional goals. I will also share my experience, expertise, and coaching approach, allowing you to gain insights into my coaching style and determine if it matches with your needs and goals.

  1. Clarifying Goals and Objectives

A discovery call is an ideal platform to discuss your goals, challenges, and expectations with your potential coach. Through open and honest communication, you can explain your vision for success and seek your coach’s guidance on how they can help you achieve those goals. Through open and honest communication, you can ensure that you’re both on the same page and working towards a common purpose.

  1. Assessing Compatibility and Fit

Every coaching relationship should be built on trust, compatibility, and mutual respect. A discovery call provides an opportunity for both the prospective client and coach to assess whether they are a good fit for each other. During our discovery call I will ask you about your preferred coaching methods, communication style, and willingness to commit to the coaching process. Similarly, you can ask questions to understand how I work, and the results I have achieved with previous clients. This assessment ensures that the coaching partnership will be productive and conducive to your growth.

  1. Exploring Coaching Programs and Services

Discovery calls also serve as a platform to explore the various coaching programs and services offered by a potential coach. Each coaching journey is unique, and during the call, you can discuss the different options available to find the one that aligns best with your needs. I will suggest programs that I think align with your business goals and explain the structure, duration, and content of those programs. This gives you a clear understanding of what to expect and how it can support your professional development.

This initial discovery call sets you up for coaching success by allowing you to establish a connection, clarify your goals and assess our compatibility.

So what have you got to lose? Let’s book a time to chat and take that first step towards growing your business and yourself as a successful business owner and entrepreneur!

Until then, Keep smiling!



Overcome Your Fears to Achieve Business Success

Yesterday marked a significant moment for me. I finally faced up to one of my biggest fears, after months of procrastination and delays. To my surprise and relief, it turned out that the experience wasn’t nearly as dreadful as I had imagined it was going to be!

As humans, we all have fears. Some fears are rational, like being afraid of heights or spiders, but others are quite illogical, like (in my case) the fear of having professional photos taken.

These illogical fears can hold small business owners back from achieving their goals and reaching their full potential. In some cases, they can even lead to analysis paralysis, where you overthink a problem to such an extent, that you become overwhelmed by choices and decisions. Finally you just can’t move at all, and over time that can have a negative affect on the overall success of your business.

So, how do you overcome these illogical fears and analysis paralysis and move your business forward? Here are some tips that might help:

  1. Identify the fear: The first step in overcoming any fear is to identify it. What is it that you’re afraid of? Is it the fear of failure, rejection, or something else? Once you have identified your fear, you can start to work on ways to overcome it.
  2. Challenge your beliefs: Illogical fears often stem from limiting beliefs that we hold about ourselves. For example, you might believe that you’re not photogenic or that you’re not good enough to succeed in your business. Challenge these beliefs by asking yourself if they’re really true. Is there any evidence to support them? Are they helping you or holding you back?
  3. Take small steps: Overcoming illogical fears is not easy, but it’s important to take small steps in order to achieve your goal. In my case of having professional photos taken, I started by researching photographers and found someone who went out of her way to make me feel comfortable through every step of the process.
  4. Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness can help you stay focused on the present moment and avoid getting caught up in worries and fears. Take a few minutes each day to practice mindfulness meditation or simply focus on your breathing.
  5. Seek support: It’s okay to ask for help when you need it. Seek support from friends, family, or a professional if you’re struggling to overcome your fears or analysis paralysis. You don’t have to go it alone.

By practicing all of these steps, you can overcome your fears and go on to achieve your goals. Remember, the only thing standing between you and the success of your business is often your own fear.

Keep an eye out for my new branding photos coming soon, and if you need a great photographer for your business, I can highly recommend Tara from TrewBella Photography!!

Remember always, Keep smiling!



Benefits of a Daily “Have Done” List

As a small business owner, you probably have a never-ending list of tasks that need to be done on a daily basis. From managing employees to responding to customer inquiries, reconciling bank accounts, and chasing overdue payments, it can be overwhelming to keep track of everything. That’s where the idea of a “Have Done” list comes in.

A Have Done list is exactly what it sounds like – a list of all the tasks that you have accomplished throughout the day. Instead of finishing the day looking at your To-Do list and beating yourself up for not having done everything that you should have done, a Have Done list is actually a celebration of all the things that you have achieved that day. It’s a much more positive experience that can benefit you in many ways.

One of the biggest advantages of a Have Done list is that it increases your productivity and motivation. Seeing a list of everything that you have accomplished throughout the day can be incredibly satisfying and motivating. It gives you a sense of accomplishment and encourages you to keep going, even when you’re feeling tired or overwhelmed.

Another advantage of the Have Done list is that it reduces your stress and anxiety. By focusing on what you have already accomplished rather than what you still need to do, you can avoid feeling overwhelmed or anxious about the tasks that are still ahead of you. This can help you stay focused and calm throughout the day.

A Have Done list can also help you improve your time management skills. By tracking everything that you have accomplished throughout the day, you can get a better sense of how you’re spending your time. This can help you identify areas where you’re wasting time or where you could be more efficient. Over time, this can help you streamline your work processes and get more done in less time.

So, while the traditional To-Do list can be helpful for keeping track of tasks, a Have Done list offers a number of advantages for small business owners. By focusing on what you’ve already accomplished and celebrating your achievements throughout the day, you can actually increase your productivity and motivation, reduce your stress and anxiety, and improve your time management skills. So why not give it a try? It may just be the productivity hack that your small business needs.

I have created a Free “Have Done List” template just for you! You can download it HERE and start to celebrate your daily wins and accomplishments!

Remember always, Keep smiling!



Business Plans – Why Your Small Business Should Have One.


You have heard about them… know that people say they are important….but where do you start? And why are they so important anyway?

Look, the facts surrounding the success rates of small businesses in Australia are, quite frankly, terrifying! Statistics show that whilst small businesses are the backbone of our economy, providing jobs, goods, and services to local communities, 60% of those small businesses fail within the first three years of operation!

One of the critical factors that contribute to this high failure rate is the lack of a written business plan.

So what is a business plan? A business plan is quite simply, a written document that tells your business story – who your business is, what you want it to achieve and is a written roadmap detailing how your business is planning for the future.

A small business plan does not have to be a long and complicated document. A simple business plan will contain a description of your company – who you are and what you do, an analysis of your competitors, a marketing plan, key financial information and a section on your human resources.

Here are just 3 of the reasons why this business plan is so crucial for your success:

  1. A Business Plan Clarifies Your Business Goals and Objectives

Sitting down and writing a business plan forces you as the small business owner, to think critically about what you want to achieve and how you will achieve it. By outlining your goals and objectives, you can get a clearer understanding of what your business needs to succeed and what you need do to reach your goals.

  1. Provides a Roadmap for Growth

Your small businesses must have a plan for growth if you want to succeed. A written business plan can help you identify growth opportunities and develop strategies for taking advantage of those opportunities. Your business plan can also help you make informed decisions about when the right time to expand your business is and how to go about it, what resources you will need, and how much money you will need to invest.

  1. Provides an Opportunity to Analyse your Competitors.

Business can be a fiercely competitive game, and so an important part of your business plan, especially if you are just starting out or are looking at introducing a new product or service, should be to perform a competitor analysis. By looking at your business competitors and working out their strengths and weaknesses, you can gain a better understanding of their business and in turn your own. This understanding will help you build on your strengths and help you carve your unique position in the marketplace.

Small business owners should take the time to develop a well-thought-out business plan and use it as a guide for making informed decisions and achieving their goals.


If you would like help creating a Business Plan, click here to book a 2 hour Business Plan Session with me, where we will work together through the Fresh Business Solutions Business Plan Guide.

At the end of this session you will have created a personalised Small Business Plan that includes Your Business Mission, Vision and Values, Your Business profile – Past, Present and Future, SWOT Analysis, Short and Long Term Goals, Operational Plans, a Marketing Plan, Organisational Structure, a Human Resources Plan and a basic Financial Plan

So Book a date and time now – I look forward to working and planning with you!

Remember always, Keep smiling!

Managing Your Business Cash Flow

Let’s talk about Money.

The reason we all started our business, is to make money right?

There are many other reasons for sure, but in reality, if our business does not make money, it won’t last long!

So let’s talk about Cash Flow.

Cash flow is the movement of money in and out of your business. Managing your cash flow is one of the most crucial aspects of running your business. Positive cash flow means that your business has enough money to pay the bills, stash some savings and invest in growth opportunities.

Maintaining that positive cash flow thought, can be a challenge for many small businesses, especially during uncertain economic times, like we are seeing here in Australia right now, where we recently had our tenth interest rate increase! The flow on effect from this is a squeeze on the average household budget and potentially a reduced cash flow in your business.

In this blog, I will explore three easy strategies that you can use to manage your cash flow more effectively:

  • Create a Cash Flow Forecast

The first step in effectively managing your cash flow is to create a Cash Flow Forecast. This means writing down all of the expected income and outgoings for a given period of time – usually a month or a quarter. You should include any anticipated sales and ongoing expenses, as well as any outstanding payments from your customer and suppliers. By having a clear understanding of your cash flow, you can plan ahead and make informed decisions about your business’ financial needs.

  • Monitor your Accounts Receivable

Accounts receivable is the money owed to your business by the customer who have not yet paid for your goods or services. Make sure that you send invoices every week – the sooner your customers have their invoices, the sooner they can pay them. Check your debtors list every week – late payments can significantly impact your cash flow. It is important to have clear payment terms that your customers agree to, and that you follow up quickly on any overdue payments.

  • Keep Track of Your Expenses

Small expenses can add up really quickly and affect your cash flow in a negative way. A great way to check these expenses is to print out your bank statement from last month and highlight all your outgoings – what are necessary and what can you do without? You might be surprised how much you can save each month by making small changes to your spending habits.

By implementing these three simple strategies, you can maintain a positive cash flow, reduce your stress levels and position your business for growth.

Remember too, that managing cash flow is an ongoing process, so make this part of your weekly routine and be sure to review and adjust your strategies as necessary to meet the changing needs of your business.

Fresh Business Solutions is available to assist you!

Click here to arrange a FREE, no-obligation 45-minute discovery meeting with me, during which we will examine your company’s current situation and discuss how we can work together to help you overcome the challenges of entrepreneurship, grow your business, and achieve your goals!

Remember always, Keep smiling!

When is the Right Time to Engage a Business Coach?

There are often so many different things to juggle and keep track of each day as a business owner in Australia, whether you have a small, medium, or BIG business. With so many obligations, it can occasionally become a challenge to find the time and energy necessary to concentrate on expanding your business. That’s where a business coach comes in.

But is a business coach really necessary? What exactly does a business coach do?

A good business coach will work with you as a business owner, to help you achieve your business goals. This might include putting leadership abilities into practice, developing systems and plans, or enhancing your financial status by focusing on profit growth.

Here are a few key signs that it might be time to invest in a business coach:

  1. You’re starting to feel stressed, overwhelmed and unsure of your next step. Starting and growing your own business can be incredibly rewarding, but it can also be incredibly stressful. A skilled business coach may assist you in getting back on track if you feel overburdened by the numerous duties involved in running a business by working with you to establish precise goals, lay out a concise action plan, and get a new perspective.

  2. You’re stuck in a rut and not making progress. If you feel you are just running on a treadmill and not getting anywhere fast. You can get off the treadmill by identifying the barriers holding you back and creating the tools and strategies you need to overcome them with the aid of a business coach.

  3. You need inspiration, accountability and motivation. Keeping yourself accountable can be difficult when you’re running a business on your own. A business coach will work with you to guarantee that you make continuous progress reflected in the growth of your company and profits. They will assist keep you motivated and help hold you accountable to your goals.

A good business coach will bring their years of experience and expertise to your business and work with you to develop the skills you need to make your business more competitive.

Fresh Business Solutions is available to assist you!

Click here to arrange a FREE, no-obligation 45-minute discovery meeting with me, during which we will examine your company’s current situation and discuss how we can work together to help you overcome the challenges of entrepreneurship, grow your business, and achieve your goals!

Remember always, Keep smiling!

Starting Your Own Small Business

Starting your own business can be an exciting and somewhat daunting task. With the right knowledge, resources and encouragement, it can also be an incredibly rewarding and fulfilling experience.

There are 2.6 million businesses in Australia, with the majority of them, (98 %) being small and medium enterprises.(

So how do you set yourself apart from the rest and what should you do to ensure you are set up for success?

Get a Name!

You will want to pick a really good name – one that stands out from the crowd and helps create the image that you want for your business.

Business Structure.

It’s important right from the start, to decide on your business structure. This business structure identifies how you operate as a trading business and can affect your legal and tax obligations. There are a number of structures you could operate under, you might be a sole trader or a company, a partnership or trust.

Plan for Success!

Now you should start developing a business plan – this plan will include your vision and goals for your business, your target market, your ideal customers and so much more. This plan will help you stay organised and focused and will be useful if you need to seek funding from investors or the bank.

Know when to get Help.

Getting the right support is vital when starting your own business – there are so many resources available to help you succeed, including online resources from agencies such as or ASIC .

Get yourself a team!

Get a good lawyer to help you with your legal steps and an accountant to set you up financially. And of course you can engage a business coach or mentor (like me!) who can help you on this journey.

This is the start of really great things, new adventures and if done right, lots of FUN!

You got this…I believe in you!

Remember always, Keep smiling!